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A Reminder on Being Present

Brother David Reindl Rast said it and he was right, you can experience the Joy of grateful living through the practice of STOP-LOOK- GO. We operate in a fast paced experience even a precipice of happiness, we are called to slow down/"Stop" for a moment live in the present and take in the life that is around us. Actually, "LOOK" at it and breathe it in. Then let the experience fi...ll you with gratefulness allowing you to "GO" share that with others. This morning, I stopped on the way to the car to take in the intense beauty of the sunrise coming over the Hudson. (This picture doesn't do it justice). The sky was filled with beautiful red, orange and purple jeweltones. It filled me with an energy that lasted through the day. Take 5 min to practice this today... tomorrow... daily. What do you see? Maybe you will discover something breath-taking that you may not have noticed before.

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