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New Reading For the Month of June

While Spring is my favorite season, the Summer reunites me with my LOVE -- the beach. I don't go for the swimming but to sit and watch the waves crash against the shore. It has the most calming effect.

You can feel the beauty and transformative energy healing from the ocean. As promised, I am going to provide a group reading each month.

This month, I used the Isis and Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alanna Fairchild.

As you look at the cards take a moment to feel what the imagery, words and energy bring up for you.

Below are the cards I pulled for June. While from different decks, both cards have similar calls for you to surrender and trust the process of life as it is opening itself up to you in big ways.

Please know that if you come to this post after June, this message is still relevant to you as you were guided to receive this message for a reason.


Card 1: High Priestess Mysteries Revealed in the Eyes of Isis

This card is coming in to show you that you are stepping into your life purpose. You can expect many "aha" moments and lessons that show you the "bigger picture" surrounding your life.

Everything that has happened in your life has been shaping you to step into the next chapter of your life in a larger way.

You are being asked to trust in the enfoldment of your life and see the beauty and perfection of the new path that you are taking in your life. You will start to feel more trust and joy as you surrender to the divine and let life happen naturally.

Pay attention to synchronistic events, dreams, information and most importantly your intuition as they will provide guidance and wisdom as you move towards a deeper love for yourself and with others.

Card 2: Sacred Fool As is the meaning in regular tarot, The Sacred Fool is a powerful card that represents unlimited potential. When it comes to the Sacred Fool, you will start to tap into your inner compass and wisdom. It is also a call for you to play and let life happen instead of trying to control it. Is there a trip that you want to take but have no one to go with you? Make the trip by yourself? Maybe there is a project you want to start however are unsure of your ability in making it succeed? Jump in and take the chance! It is time to move beyond fears as life is calling you to move into a bigger adventure.

As you begin to step out of your comfort zone you will find these amazing opportunities that you were not aware of before open up for you.

As you take this journey you will find yourself making choices that others may find insane. And that's good because it means you are on the right path towards uncovering your authentic self. For example, you may start going to dinner by yourself and as a result will meet someone who has similar interests as you and you go into partnership on a project you've always wanted to work on.

Your intuition is guiding you to bigger things.

And while fear may want to protect you from the unknown, just remember that nothing can hurt you and when you surrender everything always works out.

Stay on the path and the journey to following your authentic compass and as a result you will find your inner freedom.


I hope you enjoyed this reading and that the messages on these cards have reminded you that you are always being guided towards a life of love and peace within yourself.

In love and light always,


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